Shit news

News that isn't fake, just shit. It often tries to portray certain individuals in a very biased light without the use of candid and upright journalism. Shit News has been in use since at least the 5th Centrury BC, probably caused the French Revolution, but has been in use exponentially since the US elections in which Donald Trump was elected, and Britain voted to leave the EU (both through normal democratic process). Some of the worst protaganists being Fox News, CNBC, Sky News, The Guardian, ABC (Australia), and The list is far greater than these, and comes from all sides of the political debate. Each side is unwittingly pointing fingers whilst 3 are pointing back at them.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Shit news. Some of the top words include: CNN, fox news, copped, dot commerce, OFN, and 25 more.